

I read about a really interesting idea. The fact is, people don’t like to pay for something, that they get for free. Keeping that in mind, what can you do if you offer something free of charge, and would like, nevertheless, to get some support for your efforts? Here are some arguments:

  • If you put a  Donate button on your site, there will hardly be many users, willing to give you money just because the button is there (although you did something useful, which they download).
  • If you put Google Ads on your site, the users would hardly click on the links there, as they just get used to ignoring them (you did too, right?).

Therefore, why don’t they buy you a beer ;).

Google Copies Too.

I came across an interesting news today, from the Official Google Blog.

I am not that interested in the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer, but when I looked at the screen-shot of the new Quick Search Box (look on the left), the similarity with a tool I wrote about some time agoLaunchy, struck me.

I use Launchy and it is a uniquely simple (at least as an idea) and useful instrument, which explains why Google decided to adopt ideas out of it. What disappoints me, however, and provoked me to write this post, is that they don’t mention the innovative original anywhere. It is clear, that Google is a commercial company, but referring to a pioneering, free, open sourced product would hardly affect their business. And this recognition, on the other hand, would be well deserved by the author of Launchy, who probably didn’t make much money out of his original software.

And one more thing – do Google really think that I have a spare space for this Quick Search Box on my taskbar?! Launchy’s behaviour is much more elegant – it stays in the background and appears only when you need it, by pressing Alt + Space.

Free Email Service From Google.

Free Gmail account

The text on the screenshot is in Bulgarian.

Try the free email service from Google. Make an email account today.

Now, on one hand it is obvious, that I already tried the free email service from Google and I use it still (look at the screenshot). Someone would say, why are Google advertising their service, when they see that the user is already logged in?!

But on the other hand – maybe Google just don’t use your personal data (and the fact that there is an active user session), which is really cool. This is how it should be!

This story reminds me of another interesting detail – if you use AdWords, in the adverts you publish you are not allowed to use only capital letters or too many exclamation marks, so that the user won’t be irritated. In other words, the advert should be informative, not manipulative. And this is how it should be!

Steve Jobs on Macworld Expo.

Steve Jobs is missing Macworld

I came across an interesting collection of Steve Jobs presentations at Macworld Expo during the last 10 years (1998 – 2008) recently. As some of the movies are not of good quality (video and/or sound), I put the links here, replacing the ones that had better alternative, with better quality:

Such publications were provoked by the news, that mister Jobs will not present the keynote at this year’s Macworld 2009. The news was accompanied by unprecedented address to the community by Steve Jobs, by an open letter on the Apple’s site, where he shares the problems with his health – a hormone imbalance, which led to massive lost of weight. The revelation of the IT guru caused the rumors of the next phenomenal innovation at Apple – the thinnest CEO in the industry ;).

Macworld 2009 passed by with a  decent presentation by Phil Schiller, which however was far from the spirit and enthusiasm the big Steve used to spread across all audiances. And while there were all kinds of speculations on the net if Apple is capable to go forward without its master (and I was postponing this post week after week ;)), another announcement hit the Apple community. Second address from Steve Jobs followed, another letter, in which he admits he underestimated his health problems and is taking a leave of absence until June 2009 (!). Not only that, but he announced his  replacement (replacements). Things must be serious.

The analogy with 2004 and Jobs’s struggle with cancer is inevitable. The fact that back then Apple’s management managed to hide the news long enough, to see a light at the end of the tunnel, raises thoughts. Is the situation really that bad, that Apple are enforced to announce the facts (being a public company and being responsible to inform the shareholders with news, that may affect the company’s future)? Or maybe this is a good test for how much is Apple worth in case Steve is not around? Will Apple survive without its founder?

Whatever the truth may be in this particular case, one thing is certain – the world of the IT industry will not be the same without one of its pioneers and his bright presence.


Аlehouse, Sofia

I’ve been in an interesting new pub in Sofia today – Alehouse. The pub is located on 42 Hristo Belchev Str., Sofia, Bulgaria and it is unique in that you can fill your beer mug by yourself (see the picture). There is an installation, which provides a tap on every table and it measures the quantity you had already (see the indicator on the picture, which stands at 0.55 litres, we were just starting up ;)).

Additionally, it is not expensive (don’t be fooled by the menu, the price for the draught beer there is per litre, not per beer). The meal is good as well, I recommend three types of sausages with three sauces. The style is pleasant – similar to an Irish pub. I, personally liked it. Try it for yourself :).