Seth Godin for 10 of His Bestsellers

If you watched a few of Seth Godin’s presentation (e.g. the one at Google or the one at TED 2003), you probably notices, that they look alike. The ideas are similar, some of the slides as well. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing (and his presentations are interesting, without a doubt) – it’s just that when you see something several times, you’re fed with it.

The presentation below, however, is an exception – the subject and the contents are different. Seth Godin talks about how he published his books and how you can innovate to enable successful marketing of the product (the book). Including how you can put a book for download on the internet free of charge, and make a bunch of money off of the special edition sold on Amazon, nevertheless.

Who is Seth Godin?

  • Author of several marketing bestsellers (as the post title suggests), including the Permission Marketing
  • One of the most famous marketing specialists and bloggers
  • One of the most popular internet bloggers in general

And it is not required to be interested in marketing to follow his blog, but it helps (I guess).