Oracle to Buy SUN, Post Mortem

Better later, than never … After a delay of about two months, I decided finally to write and publish this post. I find it appropriate to conclude the topic, since I started it (1, 2, 3).

Oracle finalized the acquisition of SUN on January 27, 2010. Here’s the official press release:

Oracle Completes Acquisition of Sun

You can find more information about the deal on this site. It is worth noting, that Oracle organized a dedicated all-day event, to present their ideas and strategies for the products, they acquired from SUN. There is a webcast from all the presentations from the event here:

Oracle + Sun: Transforming the IT Industry

If you don’t feel like watching 5 hours of webcasts, here are two links to help you catch up without having to spend too much time:

Summary on the event from InfoQ Thoughts from an ex-employee of SUN