Google Copies Too.

I came across an interesting news today, from the Official Google Blog.

I am not that interested in the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer, but when I looked at the screen-shot of the new Quick Search Box (look on the left), the similarity with a tool I wrote about some time agoLaunchy, struck me.

I use Launchy and it is a uniquely simple (at least as an idea) and useful instrument, which explains why Google decided to adopt ideas out of it. What disappoints me, however, and provoked me to write this post, is that they don’t mention the innovative original anywhere. It is clear, that Google is a commercial company, but referring to a pioneering, free, open sourced product would hardly affect their business. And this recognition, on the other hand, would be well deserved by the author of Launchy, who probably didn’t make much money out of his original software.

And one more thing – do Google really think that I have a spare space for this Quick Search Box on my taskbar?! Launchy’s behaviour is much more elegant – it stays in the background and appears only when you need it, by pressing Alt + Space.