Recently, thanks to a colleague of mine, I came across an interview of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, together. You can find it in 10 parts in YouTube. What struck me most is how can such a charismatic and obviously intelligent person as Steve Jobs, to let himself be fooled around by such a dull and simple man as Bill Gates. Here’s what I have in mind:
Bill Gates looks silly on the next big blow made by Microsoft Conan O’Brian tries to save the day, but he is not very successful at that (although he is funny, as usual ;)). I was very impressed by Bill’s explanation: .. we probably have the wrong remote control … it’s a good thing we only have one thow…
Bill Gates does not look very smart again, but this time the line is somewhat adequate: That must be why we’re not shipping Windows 98 yet. (like when they shipped it, it was different …)
Bill Gates talks nonsense: … and had some standard formats (Microsoft and standards ?!?!?!?!) … we need microformats (microformats?!?! WTF?!?!)
Rain Man (no comment)
Bill Gates acknowledges Apple’s superiority, just before he stole their thunder …
Even the dinosaur David Letterman understood what it’s all about.
Finally, Bill Gates chose … this thing, as his replacement on top of Microsoft.
By the way, all those are first page results, when you search for “Bill Gates” in YouTube (except the last one – it is all over the first few search result pages, when searching for “Steve Ballmer”). Here are the results for “Steve Jobs”:
Steve Jobs is the first to identify the truth about Microsoft: They just have no taste….They really make third rate products.
Macworld 1997. Steve Jobs announces to the Apple fans the strategic partnership with the enemy, Microsoft, and that Internet Explorer will be the default browser for the Macintosh. Note how he stays calm while being “Boo”-ed by the crowd. Just imagine if you are in his place …
Steve Jobs presents iPod for the first time. Phenomenal. Note how consistent and precise is the presentation. I will repeat – PHENOMENAL!
Steve Jobs presents the iPhone. Similar to the above – in terms of consistency and preciseness. And for not such a great product – at least according to the customers.
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 . I was moved to tears … just see it, you won’t regret it. Just imagine Bill Gates holding such a speech – absurd!
I want to state, that I am not an Apple fan. I would probably never buy any of their products. But this does not mean that I can not admire this man.
I will repeat – how can such a charismatic and obviously intelligent person as Steve Jobs, to let himself be fooled around by such a dull and simple man as Bill Gates? For your surprise, I have an answer ;).
Apple did and do everything by themselves – the hardware, the software, the marketing … Have you ever been in the States, have you seen an Apple shop? It is Apple everywhere, they want everything for themselves.
Microsoft were not so selfish
Microsoft always wanted more for their products – more RAM, more processor power, better video controller. Companies like Intel, AMD, ASUS, Gigabyte made billions of dollars out of business with hardware.
There were always problems with the security under Windows – a dozen companies making anti-virus software, another few dozens making firewalls and some more making tools for the registry make their living on those flaws – don’t you agree?
How many games run on Mac OS? Can you name 5? I can name 50, that run on Windows and which I enjoyed playing.
It is that simple – divide and conquer, and do not keep everything for yourself!