Divide Et Impera

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Recently, thanks to a colleague of mine, I came across an interview of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, together. You can find it in 10 parts in YouTube. What struck me most is how can such a charismatic and obviously intelligent person as Steve Jobs, to let himself be fooled around by such a dull and simple man as Bill Gates. Here’s what I have in mind:

By the way, all those are first page results, when you search for “Bill Gates” in YouTube (except the last one – it is all over the first few search result pages, when searching for “Steve Ballmer”). Here are the results for “Steve Jobs”:

I want to state, that I am not an Apple fan. I would probably never buy any of their products. But this does not mean that I can not admire this man.

I will repeat – how can such a charismatic and obviously intelligent person as Steve Jobs, to let himself be fooled around by such a dull and simple man as Bill Gates? For your surprise, I have an answer ;).

Apple did and do everything by themselves – the hardware, the software, the marketing … Have you ever been in the States, have you seen an Apple shop? It is Apple everywhere, they want everything for themselves.

Microsoft were not so selfish

  • Microsoft always wanted more for their products – more RAM, more processor power, better video controller. Companies like Intel, AMD, ASUS, Gigabyte made billions of dollars out of business with hardware.

  • There were always problems with the security under Windows – a dozen companies making anti-virus software, another few dozens making firewalls and some more making tools for the registry make their living on those flaws – don’t you agree?

  • How many games run on Mac OS? Can you name 5? I can name 50, that run on Windows and which I enjoyed playing.

It is that simple – divide and conquer, and do not keep everything for yourself!